The Office of the Government of Chief Information Officer (OGCIO) of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administration Region has held a Seminar on “RFID and its Related Applications” on June 26th, 2009 at their headquarters located at Cyberport 1. ETIC was honored to be one of the Industry Speakers invited to give a presentation on the topic. Over 80 executives and officers from different governmental departments and authorities attended the seminar.
Our Senior Manager of Strategy and Business Development, Ms. Rita Mok gave a presentation on “How can RFID Technology help your organization to achieve operation efficiency”. Ms. Mok presented the latest developments in RFID technology and applications. She highlighted how the technology can be used effectively in any business to improve operational efficiency in a cost effective manner.
The talk was well received by the audience and ETIC is happy to have the opportunity to share our knowledge and expertise with the governmental departments.