Outdoor Location Tracking

Outdoor Location Tracking

To stay competitive, today’s enterprises are looking for ways to drive efficiencies throughout their processes. Doing so takes more than just the analytics that business systems provide. It also requires real time asset visibility. Today’s enterprises face more competitive threats, higher standards, more regulations, and more cost pressure than ever before. Management must know where, when, and how their mobile assets such as construction equipment or fleet trucks are located and performing. Implementing an integrated, real-time location and management system allows operations to find assets in a matter of seconds, as opposed to taking hours using a manual process. With EBSL Outdoor Location Tracking System, enterprises can now be more responsive in locating their mobile assets for their operation and provides better service level to their clients. You can easily monitor your asset location through smartphones or desktop computers.

Solution Highlights

  • Location Identification
    • Searches, locates and identifies the whereabouts of assets in real time
  • Movement Tracking
    • Tracking and tracing of assets automatically
    • Full history of movement record
  • Easy Access to asset location
    • Monitor asset location through mobile app or web portal
  • Integration with IoT to obtain value-added information such as temperature, occupancy, etc.

Key Benefits

Minimizes asset loss, provides better asset investment protection
Improves operational efficiency with real time insight of asset location
Covers both powered and non-powered mobile assets
Simple and quick installation
Provides predictive maintenance alerts to minimize operation impact

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